Welcome from the Register of Deeds

Welcome to the Register of Deeds website. The Register of Deeds office belongs to the citizens of Johnston County. That is why I have always been committed to making this office accessible and user-friendly for everyone. We are dedicated to ensuring that our computer systems are on the forefront of technology, and that our citizens are able to record and access documents as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our employees take pride in providing excellent customer service, and have won local, state and national recognition for their performance.
The Register of Deeds office provides numerous services to the working community and the general public. These include:
- recording legal documents and maps,
- issuing marriage licenses,
- certifying documents, and
- administering oaths.
The Register of Deeds Office serves as custodian and manager of large numbers of public records, and is provided for in the General Statutes of North Carolina. Registers of Deeds are elected for four-year terms by the citizens of the county the Register serves.
During my tenure of more than 20 years, we have streamlined services to cut the office's budget by 30 percent, and have returned $2.1 million in unused funds to the county.
As a young boy growing up on a farm, my parents taught me the values of hard work and putting other people first. Throughout my career, I have endeavored to put the citizens of Johnston County first, and will continue to do so. In the words of former President Ronald Reagan:
"Putting people first has always been America's greatest asset; it's the way we kept the spirit of our Nation alive -- a spirit that drives us to dream and to dare for a greater good."
Please feel free to read the information available on our web site. If I can be of assistance to you, please feel free to contact me at 919-989-5160.
Marriage Licenses
By Appointment only
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Vital Records
No Appointment needed
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Real Estate
No Appointment needed
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
By Appointment only
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Register of Deeds Office Hours and Location
Hours of Operations
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m,
excluding county holidays.
Johnston County Courthouse
207 E. Johnston Street, Suite 209
Smithfield, NC 27577
The Register of Deeds office is physically located on the first floor of the Johnston County Courthouse, on Courthouse Square, at 2nd and Market Street in Smithfield, North Carolina.

Craig Olive and the Register of Deeds Office have a Fraud Alert System
With property fraud cases on the rise, use our free service to stay informed and take action to protect your property.
To subscribe, scan the QR code to the right, or visit www.johnstonnc.gov/fraudguard