ELECTION DATE:  November 7, 2023

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The results shown on this site are broken down by precinct. Only results for precincts that have reported are shown. As precincts call in their results, they will appear on this page. Precincts will start reporting as of 7:30 p.m., November 7, 2023. Scroll down and up to view the results of all races. When all precincts have reported, the unofficial results reporting is complete. You can view the list of precincts that have reported and when they reported.

For general countywide and statewide results, Click Here

** Includes precincts that have reported only, see status.


 As of September 26, 2024 at 6:58:06 PM, 22 out of 23 precincts have reported.

Last precinct that reported:   PR25 - West Selma
View reporting status of all precincts

Scroll down to view all results, or you can jump to:
Archer Lodge | Benson | Clayton | Four Oaks | Kenly | Micro
Pine Level | Princeton | Selma | Smithfield | Wilson's Mills

Municipal Races


Precinct Matt Mulhollem
  PR29a - Archer Lodge 54
  PR29b - Flowers Plantation 39
  Absentee 0
  One-Stop 0
  TOTALS: 93

Town Council

Precinct Clyde Castleberry J. Mark Jackson James L. Purvis, III
  PR29a - Archer Lodge 52 51 45
  PR29b - Flowers Plantation 37 36 31
  Absentee 0 0 0
  One-Stop 0 0 0
  TOTALS: 89 87 76


Precinct Eric Bowles, Sr. Jerry M. Medlin
  PR35 - Banner 36 275
  Absentee 1 0
  One-Stop 3 8
  TOTALS: 40 283

Town Commissioners District 01

Precinct Casandra P. Stack
  PR35 - Banner 84
  Absentee 1
  One-Stop 0
  TOTALS: 85

Town Commissioners District 02

Precinct Curtis Dean McLamb
  PR35 - Banner 79
  Absentee 0
  One-Stop 5
  TOTALS: 84

Town Commissioners District 03

Precinct Max Raynor
  PR35 - Banner 135
  Absentee 0
  One-Stop 4
  TOTALS: 139


Precinct Jody L. McLeod
  PR09 - East Clayton  178
  PR10a - North Clayton 1  281
  PR10b - North Clayton 1  44
  PR11a - West Clayton 1  20
  PR11b - West Clayton 2  105
  PR29a - Archer Lodge 56
  PR34 - South Clayton 101
  Absentee 18
  One-Stop 61
  TOTALS: 864

Town Council Members

Precinct Ruth Anderson Avery Jermaine Everett Jason Thompson Gretchen Williams
  PR09 - East Clayton  109 83 107 85
  PR10a - North Clayton 1  149 110 145 145
  PR10b - North Clayton 1  22 26 21 32
  PR11a - West Clayton 1  13 7 11 15
  PR11b - West Clayton 2  66 47 52 67
  PR29a - Archer Lodge 29 41 34 35
  PR34 - South Clayton 50 46 40 70
  Absentee 7 15 5 12
  One-Stop 27 42 22 51
  TOTALS: 472 417 437 512

Town Commissioners

Precinct Tony J. Capps Kim Minshew Robertson Virgil Saliard, Jr. Carles R. Surles Ian D. Trammell
  PR37 - Ingrams 138 171 11 119 84
  Absentee 0 0 0 0 0
  One-Stop 6 15 4 21 6
  TOTALS: 144 186 15 140 90


Precinct H.L. (Tooie) Hales
  PR36 - Beulah  79
  Absentee 0
  One-Stop 0
  TOTALS: 79

Town Council Members

Precinct Keith Davis LaWanda M. Neal Garrett Warren Stancil Jason Tedder Wade Troutman
  PR36 - Beulah  79 73 59 19 31
  Absentee 0 0 0 0 0
  One-Stop 1 1 0 0 0
  TOTALS: 80 74 59 19 31

Town Council Member (Unexpired)

Precinct Beverly Hicks Knight
  PR36 - Beulah  67
  Absentee 0
  One-Stop 0
  TOTALS: 67


Precinct Marty Parnell
  PR19 - Micro  24
  Absentee 0
  One-Stop 3
  TOTALS: 27

Town Commissioner

Precinct Tim Earp Katy Garcia Kevin Worley
  PR19 - Micro  30 23 27
  Absentee 0 0 0
  One-Stop 3 2 3
  TOTALS: 33 25 30


Precinct Thomas L. Garner Jay Jeffrey (Jeff) Holt
  PR22 - Pine Level   123 182
  PR26 - East Smithfield   0 0
  Absentee 1 0
  One-Stop 28 30
  TOTALS: 152 212

Town Commissioners

Precinct Bruce Avery Greg Baker Rodney Cabe Jimmy F. Garner Phil Pittman Bill Radford Patrick W. Riley
  PR22 - Pine Level   123 170 165 151 173 193 49
  PR26 - East Smithfield   0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Absentee 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
  One-Stop 29 30 15 33 30 28 8
  TOTALS: 152 200 180 185 203 222 57


Precinct Stacy Johnson Donald B. Rains
  PR07 - North Boon Hill   0 0
  Absentee 2 0
  One-Stop 44 29
  TOTALS: 46 29

Town Commissioners

Precinct Walter Anthony Martin, Jr. Mike Rose
  PR07 - North Boon Hill   0 0
  Absentee 1 2
  One-Stop 54 44
  TOTALS: 55 46


Precinct Byron McAllister
  PR22 - Pine Level 2
  PR24 - East Selma 112
  PR25 - West Selma   37
  Absentee 0
  One-Stop 37
  TOTALS: 188

Town Council

Precinct Joe Scarboro William E. Overby
  PR22 - Pine Level 1 1
  PR24 - East Selma 113 83
  PR25 - West Selma   31 29
  Absentee 0 0
  One-Stop 31 27
  TOTALS: 176 140


Precinct Marlon Lee Andy Moore
  PR24 - East Selma 3 2
  PR26 - East Smithfield 122 27
  PR27a - North Smithfield 1 44 87
  PR27b - North Smithfield 2 18 59
  PR28 - South Smithfield 42 167
  Absentee 5 4
  One-Stop 234 405
  TOTALS: 468 751

Town Council

Precinct Felicia C. Baxter John A. Dunn Stuart Ashby Lee Stephen Rabil Doris Louise Wallace Roger A. Wood
  PR24 - East Selma 1 3 1 2 2 3
  PR26 - East Smithfield 49 18 36 38 99 30
  PR27a - North Smithfield 1 33 68 29 74 49 82
  PR27b - North Smithfield 2 10 45 14 49 21 59
  PR28 - South Smithfield 28 130 62 121 67 136
  Absentee 6 2 2 3 5 1
  One-Stop 110 345 150 332 224 338
  TOTALS: 237 611 294 619 467 649

Whitley Heights Sanitary District Commissioner

Precinct Write-In Candidate 1 Write-In Candidate 2
  PR27b - North Smithfield 2 0 0
  Absentee 0 0
  One-Stop 0 0
  TOTALS: 0 0

Council Member

Precinct Carolyn Whitley Dobbin J.C. Triplett Lamarr Watson
  PR30 - Wilsons Mills 41 41 30
  Absentee 0 0 0
  One-Stop 6 3 2
  TOTALS: 47 44 32

Scroll down to view all results, or you can jump to:
Archer Lodge | Benson | Clayton | Four Oaks | Kenly | Micro
Pine Level | Princeton | Selma | Smithfield | Wilson's Mills

Municipal Races

Matt Mulhollem **Leading Candidate**
PR29a - Archer Lodge 54
PR29b - Flowers Plantation 39
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 93
Town Council
Clyde Castleberry **Leading Candidate**
PR29a - Archer Lodge 52
PR29b - Flowers Plantation 37
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 89
J. Mark Jackson **Leading Candidate**
PR29a - Archer Lodge 51
PR29b - Flowers Plantation 36
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 87
James L. Purvis, III **Leading Candidate**
PR29a - Archer Lodge 45
PR29b - Flowers Plantation 31
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 76
Jerry M. Medlin **Leading Candidate**
PR35 - Banner 275
Absentee 0
One-Stop 8
Total 283
Eric Bowles, Sr.
PR35 - Banner 36
Absentee 1
One-Stop 3
Total 40
Town Commissioners District 01
Casandra P. Stack **Leading Candidate**
PR35 - Banner 84
Absentee 1
One-Stop 0
Total 85
Town Commissioners District 02
Curtis Dean McLamb **Leading Candidate**
PR35 - Banner 79
Absentee 0
One-Stop 5
Total 84
Town Commissioners District 03
Max Raynor **Leading Candidate**
PR35 - Banner 135
Absentee 0
One-Stop 4
Total 139
Jody L. McLeod **Leading Candidate**
PR09 - East Clayton 178
PR10a - North Clayton 1 281
PR10b - North Clayton 2 44
PR11a - West Clayton 1 20
PR11b - West Clayton 2 105
PR29a - Archer Lodge 56
PR34 - South Clayton 101
Absentee 18
One-Stop 61
Total 864
Town Council Members
Gretchen Williams **Leading Candidate**
PR09 - East Clayton 85
PR10a - North Clayton 1 145
PR10b - North Clayton 2 32
PR11a - West Clayton 1 15
PR11b - West Clayton 2 67
PR29a - Archer Lodge 35
PR34 - South Clayton 70
Absentee 12
One-Stop 51
Total 512
Ruth Anderson **Leading Candidate**
PR09 - East Clayton 109
PR10a - North Clayton 1 149
PR10b - North Clayton 2 22
PR11a - West Clayton 1 13
PR11b - West Clayton 2 66
PR29a - Archer Lodge 29
PR34 - South Clayton 50
Absentee 7
One-Stop 27
Total 472
Jason Thompson
PR09 - East Clayton 107
PR10a - North Clayton 1 145
PR10b - North Clayton 2 21
PR11a - West Clayton 1 11
PR11b - West Clayton 2 52
PR29a - Archer Lodge 34
PR34 - South Clayton 40
Absentee 5
One-Stop 22
Total 437
Avery Jermaine Everett
PR09 - East Clayton 83
PR10a - North Clayton 1 110
PR10b - North Clayton 2 26
PR11a - West Clayton 1 7
PR11b - West Clayton 2 47
PR29a - Archer Lodge 41
PR34 - South Clayton 46
Absentee 15
One-Stop 42
Total 417
Town Commissioners
Kim Minshew Robertson **Leading Candidate**
PR37 - Ingrams 171
Absentee 0
One-Stop 15
Total 186
Tony J. Capps **Leading Candidate**
PR37 - Ingrams 138
Absentee 0
One-Stop 6
Total 144
Carles R. Surles **Leading Candidate**
PR37 - Ingrams 119
Absentee 0
One-Stop 21
Total 140
Ian D. Trammell
PR37 - Ingrams 84
Absentee 0
One-Stop 6
Total 90
Virgil Saliard, Jr.
PR37 - Ingrams 11
Absentee 0
One-Stop 4
Total 15
H.L. (Tooie) Hales **Leading Candidate**
PR36 - Beulah 79
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 79
Town Council Members
Keith Davis **Leading Candidate**
PR36 - Beulah 79
Absentee 0
One-Stop 1
Total 80
LaWanda M. Neal **Leading Candidate**
PR36 - Beulah 73
Absentee 0
One-Stop 1
Total 74
Beverly Hicks Knight **Leading Candidate**
PR36 - Beulah 67
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 67
Garrett Warren Stancil
PR36 - Beulah 59
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 59
Wade Troutman
PR36 - Beulah 31
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 31
Jason Tedder
PR36 - Beulah 19
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 19
Marty Parnell **Leading Candidate**
PR19 - Micro 24
Absentee 0
One-Stop 3
Total 27
Town Commissioner
Tim Earp **Leading Candidate**
PR19 - Micro 30
Absentee 0
One-Stop 3
Total 33
Kevin Worley **Leading Candidate**
PR19 - Micro 27
Absentee 0
One-Stop 3
Total 30
Katy Garcia **Leading Candidate**
PR19 - Micro 23
Absentee 0
One-Stop 2
Total 25
Jay Jeffrey (Jeff) Holt **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 182
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 30
Total 212
Thomas L. Garner
PR22 - Pine Level 123
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 1
One-Stop 28
Total 152
Town Commissioners
Bill Radford **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 193
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 1
One-Stop 28
Total 222
Phil Pittman **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 173
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 30
Total 203
Greg Baker **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 170
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 30
Total 200
Jimmy F. Garner **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 151
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 1
One-Stop 33
Total 185
Rodney Cabe
PR22 - Pine Level 165
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 15
Total 180
Bruce Avery
PR22 - Pine Level 123
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 29
Total 152
Patrick W. Riley
PR22 - Pine Level 49
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 8
Total 57
Stacy Johnson **Leading Candidate**
PR07 - North Boon Hill 0
Absentee 2
One-Stop 44
Total 46
Donald B. Rains
PR07 - North Boon Hill 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 29
Total 29
Town Commissioners
Walter Anthony Martin, Jr. **Leading Candidate**
PR07 - North Boon Hill 0
Absentee 1
One-Stop 54
Total 55
Mike Rose **Leading Candidate**
PR07 - North Boon Hill 0
Absentee 2
One-Stop 44
Total 46
Byron McAllister **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 2
PR24 - East Selma 112
PR25 - West Selma 37
Absentee 0
One-Stop 37
Total 188
Town Council
Joe Scarboro **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 1
PR24 - East Selma 113
PR25 - West Selma 31
Absentee 0
One-Stop 31
Total 176
William E. Overby **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 1
PR24 - East Selma 83
PR25 - West Selma 29
Absentee 0
One-Stop 27
Total 140
Andy Moore **Leading Candidate**
PR24 - East Selma 2
PR26 - East Smithfield 27
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 87
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 59
PR28 - South Smithfield 167
Absentee 4
One-Stop 405
Total 751
Marlon Lee
PR24 - East Selma 3
PR26 - East Smithfield 122
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 44
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 18
PR28 - South Smithfield 42
Absentee 5
One-Stop 234
Total 468
Town Council
Roger A. Wood **Leading Candidate**
PR24 - East Selma 3
PR26 - East Smithfield 30
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 82
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 59
PR28 - South Smithfield 136
Absentee 1
One-Stop 338
Total 649
Stephen Rabil **Leading Candidate**
PR24 - East Selma 2
PR26 - East Smithfield 38
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 74
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 49
PR28 - South Smithfield 121
Absentee 3
One-Stop 332
Total 619
John A. Dunn **Leading Candidate**
PR24 - East Selma 3
PR26 - East Smithfield 18
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 68
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 45
PR28 - South Smithfield 130
Absentee 2
One-Stop 345
Total 611
Doris Louise Wallace
PR24 - East Selma 2
PR26 - East Smithfield 99
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 49
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 21
PR28 - South Smithfield 67
Absentee 5
One-Stop 224
Total 467
Stuart Ashby Lee
PR24 - East Selma 1
PR26 - East Smithfield 36
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 29
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 14
PR28 - South Smithfield 62
Absentee 2
One-Stop 150
Total 294
Felicia C. Baxter
PR24 - East Selma 1
PR26 - East Smithfield 49
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 33
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 10
PR28 - South Smithfield 28
Absentee 6
One-Stop 110
Total 237
Whitley Heights Sanitary District Commissioner
Write-In Candidate 1
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 0
Write-In Candidate 2
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 0
Council Member
Carolyn Whitley Dobbin **Leading Candidate**
PR30 - Wilsons Mills 41
Absentee 0
One-Stop 6
Total 47
J.C. Triplett **Leading Candidate**
PR30 - Wilsons Mills 41
Absentee 0
One-Stop 3
Total 44
Lamarr Watson
PR30 - Wilsons Mills 30
Absentee 0
One-Stop 2
Total 32

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