Voting Area Map and Election Results
for the

ELECTION DATE:  November 7, 2023

A map of the voting precinct for the Town of Pine Level Municipal Election is shown below.
Areas within the city limits are eligible to vote.

Scroll down to view election results for the Town of Pine Level.
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Precinct results rows are shaded until the precinct has reported. Precincts that have reported results are shown in white.

Map of Voting Area for the Town of Pine Level Municipal Election

Map of Town of Pine Level Voting Area

Town of Pine Level Races


Precinct Thomas L. Garner Jay Jeffrey (Jeff) Holt
  PR22 - Pine Level   123 182
  PR26 - East Smithfield   0 0
  Absentee 1 0
  One-Stop 28 30
  TOTALS: 152 212

Town Commissioners

Precinct Bruce Avery Greg Baker Rodney Cabe Jimmy F. Garner Phil Pittman Bill Radford Patrick W. Riley
  PR22 - Pine Level   123 170 165 151 173 193 49
  PR26 - East Smithfield   0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Absentee 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
  One-Stop 29 30 15 33 30 28 8
  TOTALS: 152 200 180 185 203 222 57

Town of Pine Level Races


Jay Jeffrey (Jeff) Holt **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 182
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 30
Total 212

Thomas L. Garner
PR22 - Pine Level 123
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 1
One-Stop 28
Total 152

Town Commissioners

Bill Radford **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 193
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 1
One-Stop 28
Total 222

Phil Pittman **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 173
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 30
Total 203

Greg Baker **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 170
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 30
Total 200

Jimmy F. Garner **Leading Candidate**
PR22 - Pine Level 151
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 1
One-Stop 33
Total 185

Rodney Cabe
PR22 - Pine Level 165
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 15
Total 180

Bruce Avery
PR22 - Pine Level 123
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 29
Total 152

Patrick W. Riley
PR22 - Pine Level 49
PR26 - East Smithfield 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 8
Total 57


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