Voting Area Map and Election Results
for the

ELECTION DATE:  November 7, 2023

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Map of Voting Area for the Town of Smithfield Municipal Election

Map of Town of Smithfield Voting Area

Town of Smithfield Races


Precinct Marlon Lee Andy Moore
  PR24 - East Selma 3 2
  PR26 - East Smithfield 122 27
  PR27a - North Smithfield 1 44 87
  PR27b - North Smithfield 2 18 59
  PR28 - South Smithfield 42 167
  Absentee 5 4
  One-Stop 234 405
  TOTALS: 468 751

Town Council

Precinct Roger A. Wood Stephen Rabil John A. Dunn Doris Louise Wallace Stuart Ashby Lee Felicia C. Baxter
  PR24 - East Selma 3 2 3 2 1 1
  PR26 - East Smithfield 30 38 18 99 36 49
  PR27a - North Smithfield 1 82 74 68 49 29 33
  PR27b - North Smithfield 2 59 49 45 21 14 10
  PR28 - South Smithfield 136 121 130 67 62 28
  Absentee 1 3 2 5 2 6
  One-Stop 338 332 345 224 150 110
  TOTALS: 649 619 611 467 294 237

Whitley Heights Sanitary District Commissioner

Precinct Write-In Candidate 1 Write-In Candidate 2
  PR27b - North Smithfield 2 0 0
  Absentee 0 0
  One-Stop 0 0
  TOTALS: 0 0


Town of Smithfield Races


Andy Moore **Leading Candidate**
PR24 - East Selma 2
PR26 - East Smithfield 27
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 87
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 59
PR28 - South Smithfield 167
Absentee 4
One-Stop 405
Total 751

Marlon Lee
PR24 - East Selma 3
PR26 - East Smithfield 122
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 44
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 18
PR28 - South Smithfield 42
Absentee 5
One-Stop 234
Total 468

Town Council

Roger A. Wood **Leading Candidate**
PR24 - East Selma 3
PR26 - East Smithfield 30
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 82
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 59
PR28 - South Smithfield 136
Absentee 1
One-Stop 338
Total 649

Stephen Rabil **Leading Candidate**
PR24 - East Selma 2
PR26 - East Smithfield 38
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 74
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 49
PR28 - South Smithfield 121
Absentee 3
One-Stop 332
Total 619

John A. Dunn **Leading Candidate**
PR24 - East Selma 3
PR26 - East Smithfield 18
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 68
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 45
PR28 - South Smithfield 130
Absentee 2
One-Stop 345
Total 611

Doris Louise Wallace
PR24 - East Selma 2
PR26 - East Smithfield 99
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 49
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 21
PR28 - South Smithfield 67
Absentee 5
One-Stop 224
Total 467

Stuart Ashby Lee
PR24 - East Selma 1
PR26 - East Smithfield 36
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 29
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 14
PR28 - South Smithfield 62
Absentee 2
One-Stop 150
Total 294

Felicia C. Baxter
PR24 - East Selma 1
PR26 - East Smithfield 49
PR27a - North Smithfield 1 33
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 10
PR28 - South Smithfield 28
Absentee 6
One-Stop 110
Total 237

Whitley Heights Sanitary District Commissioner

Write-In Candidate 1
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 0

Write-In Candidate 2
PR27b - North Smithfield 2 0
Absentee 0
One-Stop 0
Total 0


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