Johnston County Solid Waste

Johnston County, North Carolina
Solid Waste Department

Entrance to Convience Center

Waste Disposal and Recycling Laws

Disclaimer:  This site contains regulations and laws that have been compiled from various sources. The accuracy of any specific provision originating from this site cannot be assured, and you are urged to consult the original source of the official document or contact legal counsel of your choice. This site should not be cited as an official or authoritative source.

There is a $250 fine for the first offense,
and a $500 fine for subsequent offenses.

Don't be a Litterbug in Johnston County!


Federal Laws

Federal Regulations:

EPA Solid Waste

State Laws

Solid Waste Laws and Rules:

State Solid Waste Management Policy and Goals (G.S. 130A-309.04)

Below are links to related information:


County Codes

The complete Code of Ordinances for Johnston County.

Chapter 20 of the Code deals specifically with waste and recycling.

Municipal Ordinances by Town


Archer Lodge

Newly incorporated Archer Lodge does not have an ordinance separate from the County Ordinance at this time.


The Code of Ordinances for the Town of Benson can be found here. Town of Benson Codes specific to garbage and refuse.


Clayton Municipal Codes are online at Click on the "Library" link and then click on the State of North Carolina, and then click on "Clayton." You can select to read the Clayton, North Carolina Code of Ordinances in a framed or non-framed format.

Four Oaks

Four Oaks Municipal Codes are online at Click on the "Library" link and then click on the State of North Carolina, and then click on "Four Oaks." You can select to read the Four Oaks, North Carolina Code of Ordinances in a framed or non-framed format.


Kenly Municipal Codes are online at Click on the "Library" link and then click on the State of North Carolina, and then click on "Kenly." You can select to read the Kenly, North Carolina Code of Ordinances in a framed or non-framed format.


Micro does not have an ordinance separate from the County Ordinance.

Pine Level

A copy of the Pine Level Ordinance for the Collection of Garbage can be found here. For more information, please call Sharon Thompson, Town Clerk, at 919-965-2284.


Princeton is in the process of revising their Solid Waste Management Ordinance. Please contact Kathy at 919-936-8171 for more information.


Main Municipal Codes for the Town of Selma, North Carolina. Codes specific to Garbage and Refuse Collection in Selma.


Main Municipal Codes for the Town of Smithfield, North Carolina. Codes specific to Garbage and Refuse Collection in Smithfield.

Wilson's Mills

Wilson's Mills does not have an ordinance separate from the County Ordinance.









Contact Us

Solid Waste Services

County Landfill
680 County Home Road
Smithfield, NC 27577


Page last updated:  October 18, 2023