Johnston County, North Carolina
The Mission of the Johnston Soil and Water Conservation District is to provide technical, educational and financial resources to Johnston County citizens for the protection and preservation of our natural resources
Soil and Water Conservation Districts focus on natural resource problems and solutions. They are a sub-unit of state government where a five-member Board of Supervisors oversees programs that assist citizens with natural resource problems. North Carolina was the first state in the US to found a Conservation District - Brown Creek Conservation District in 1937. There are nearly 3,000 conservation districts across the United States. Of the 100 counties in North Carolina, 96 counties have a Soil and Water Conservation District.
In response to the Dust Bowl of the 1930's, Conservation Districts have played a key role in helping landowners manage soil, water, wildlife and other natural resources on working lands. Today, Conservation Districts serve as a resource management agency that helps to develop conservation plans, identify and plan conservation work, present educational programs and coordinate conservation work at the local level in cooperation with the federal and state agencies and the private sector.
One of the most important functions of a Soil and Water Conservation District is the outreach to citizens of educational programs that inform the public on natural resource issues. Johnston County Soil and Water Conservation District provides educational opportunities to students, teachers and the general public and helps citizens apply conservation practices that help sustain the county's natural resources.