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Johnston County, North Carolina
Planning and Zoning Department

Residential Site Plan Requirements

These requirements are applicable to all residential building lots within major subdivisions, minor subdivisions, and all individual lots less than three acres.

A preliminary site plan is required before permits are issued. A final (as-built) site plan (survey) shall also be required prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy where 85% maximum impervious area is proposed or constructed. Additionally, when proposed structures are within 2 feet of the building setback, a foundation survey shall be required prior to scheduling any open floor or rough-in inspections. Site plans shall consist of a metes and bounds survey plat provided by a licensed Professional Land Surveyor (PLS).

*Note: Property lines shall be clearly identified and maintained for final inspection.

A site plan includes the entire lot, drawn to scale, showing:

  • Lot lines with dimensions and road frontage delineated; existing or proposed driveways, parking spaces and walkways, with width and surface material described.
  • All existing and proposed buildings or other structures, with overall dimensions given and their setback(s) (required and proposed) from nearest property lines clearly delineated.
  • Johnston County property tax identification number.
  • Plat book and page number of subdivision as applicable.
  • Existing or proposed well, septic tank and drain field location(s), or sewer and water easements and proposed connection location(s).
  • All surface waters; FEMA 100-year flood fringe and floodway lines (or approximate 100-year flood line in unnumbered A Zones); flood hazard soils areas (adjust flood hazard soils to Johnston County topography or field surveyed low points as appropriate); wetlands; reserved open spaces; the location, dimensions and arrangements of all drainage way, watershed, riparian (stream), and other buffers and their associated required setbacks; the location of any existing or proposed easements (widths and purpose listed).
  • A title block indicating parcel identification number (PIN), subdivision name (if applicable), north arrow, bar scale, name of Professional Land Surveyor, with seal and signature of the person who prepared the plan, date map prepared (and any revision dates).
  • For as-built final plans, indicate that it is an as-built plan and provide name of the Professional Land Surveyor who prepared the plan, his signature and seal and date map prepared (and any revision dates).
  • If parcel is less than 5 acres, scales of 1" = 20', 30', 40', 50', 60' or 100' are acceptable on paper no larger than 11" x 17".
  • For a parcel of 5 acres or more, scales of 1" = 100', 200', 300', 400' or 500' are acceptable in addition to the scales listed above and may be on any size paper. If the paper is larger than 11" x 17" an inset or separate sheet must also be provided showing the proposed construction at a scale of 1" = 20', 30', 40', 50', 60' or 100'.
  • Established impervious limit, as well as all existing and proposed impervious surfaces shall be clearly delineated and listed in square feet.
  • Proposed driveway culvert size(s).
  • Location, type and relevant dimensions and capacities of storm water management structures and other devices (if storm water management is required), plus associated easements (show dimensions).
  • Erosion control measures to include silt fencing and construction entrance.


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Page last updated: February 2, 2024

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Land Use Center
309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577

(919) 989-5150