Adult Day Care/Day Health
This program provides care and supervision, community integration and stimulating activities to elderly or disabled adults as an option to placement, allowing caregivers to work and providing them respite. Our staff also certify and monitor Adult Day Care/Day Health programs in Johnston County.
Individual Eligibility Requirements: Any disabled or aging adult (age 18 years of age or older) needing adult day care and adult day health services. Adult must have an impairment that prohibits him or her from living an independent life style without supportive services, and must be at risk of being institutionalized.
Costs: Personal Funds and Block Grants
Where and How to Apply:
714 North St.
Smithfield, NC 27577
Contact: Adult Day Care Coordinator, 919-989-5300
Page last updated: June 6, 2024
All inquiries go through the DSS main number:
(919) 989-5300
This includes Food Stamps (FNS), Medicaid, Temporary Assistance Needy Families (TANF), Child Care, Child Protection, Adult Protection, Foster Parenting, Transportation, and more.
Report Child Abuse/Neglect
Email or Call
919-989-5442, or
After normal business hours, call 919-989-5000 and ask to speak with the
on-call social worker.
Report Adult Abuse/Neglect
Monday through Friday 8 am through 5 pm (919) 989-5300.
After hours, weekends and holidays, please call 911 or (919) 989-5000.
Domestic Violence
Call 911 or (919) 989-5000.