Johnston County Planning and Zoning Logo

Johnston County, North Carolina
Planning and Zoning Department

Rezoning Process

Rezoning Application Steps

  1. Set-up pre-application conference with staff. Call us at (919) 989-5150 or email
  2. Complete the Rezoning Application in its entirety, and submit it to the Planning and Zoning department by 4:30 p.m. on the submittal date.
  3. Provide a zoning parcel map.

    If not rezoning the entire parcel, you will need to include a professionally surveyed map that includes the metes and bounds of the proposed rezoning area.

    If rezoning to a Special Use District, a site plan is required.

    View the site plan drawing criteria.

  4. Pay the Rezoning Fee. If rezoning to a Special Use District, include the $500 Special Use Permit fee.

    Rezoning Fee:

    • Less the 3 acres - $500.00
    • 3-6 acres - $750.00
    • over 6 acres - $1,250+$18.75/acre
    • PUDs - $1,250+$18.75/acre
    • Special Use Permits - $500.00

After Application is Submitted:

  1. A Technical Review Committee (TRC) consisting of local agencies (including Public Utilities, Environmental Health, Planning, School District, Fire, NCDOT, etc.) will review the proposal and provide comments to county staff. If there are any resulting requirements, or if the site plan must be revised, the applicant will be notified following the TRC meeting.
  2. Staff will develop a “Staff Report”, make a site visit (and post a rezoning sign), notify all property owners within 500 feet of the rezoning parcel by mail, and publish public notices in the local newspaper.
  3. A public hearing will be held by the Johnston County Planning Board. The applicant will be informed of the meeting and he/she or their representative must be present to speak on behalf of the proposal. The Planning Board will make a recommendation of approval or denial to the Board of County Commissioners.
  4. A public hearing will be held by the Johnston County Board of County Commissioners. The applicant will be informed of the meeting and he/she or their representative must be present to speak on behalf of the proposal. This Board will make a final decision to approve or deny the rezoning/special use request.
  5. If a Special Use Permit is approved by the Board of Commissioners, the permit will not be issued by the Planning Department until the minutes from the BOC meeting have been approved. This usually occurs at the following BOC meeting. Once the minutes have been approved, the applicant should contact the Planning Department to make arrangements for picking up the special use permit.

Page last updated: December 16, 2024

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Land Use Center
309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577

(919) 989-5150